November 7, 2023

Experts' tips on how to reduce cyber risk during the employee onboarding process

deeploi announces partnership with SoSafe, the leading expert for cybersecurity awareness training.

Written by
Anne Jornod

Safeguarding sensitive data and minimizing vulnerabilities is essential to protect the integrity of your business. While many organizations focus their cybersecurity efforts on external threats, they often overlook a hidden vulnerability within their own premises: the employee onboarding process.

Here are 3 reasons why your employee onboarding process is a weak spot for cybersecurity breaches

Reason #1 Lack of user access control

During onboarding, employees are granted access to various systems, databases and applications. The real problem arises when access permissions are not carefully managed and controlled. Without proper oversight, employees could find themselves with access to sensitive data they shouldn’t see, which can lead to data breaches.

Reason #2 Malware & virus infections

Employee onboarding often requires downloading software or accessing shared files. These seemingly harmless actions, if not carefully monitored, can lead to the introduction of malware and viruses into your organization. A single download of a malicious file or a visit to a compromised website can have terrible consequences. Once malware infiltrates your network, it can spread rapidly, compromising security and putting sensitive data at risk.

Reason #3 Lack of cyber risk awareness

New employees may not be adequately aware of cybersecurity best practices, making them excellent targets for cyberattacks. Phishing attempts, social engineering and other manipulative tactics used by cybercriminals become more effective when employees lack the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to security threats. As such, weak passwords and other poor security practices can be exploited, granting unauthorized access to your company's resources.

From this it becomes clear that the employee onboarding process represents a weak spot for your company’s cybersecurity. Failing to address these vulnerabilities can have far-reaching consequences. That’s we why we came up with five essential tips to reduce cyber risk during your onboarding process. By implementing these strategies, you can proactively strengthen your organization's defences in the continuous struggle to counter cyber threats.

5 essential tips to reduce cyber risk during the employee onboarding process

Tip 1: Fortify access controls and user privileges.

The first line of defence against cybersecurity breaches during the employee onboarding process lies in ensuring robust access control procedures. This includes the careful management and regulation of access permissions across various systems, databases and applications. Such rigorous access control measures guarantee that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information. One effective approach is relying on centralized monitoring. It provides real-time insights and enables the swift detection of potential threats and vulnerabilities, facilitating prompt intervention and mitigation, strengthening security.

Tip 2: Implement clear and standardized cybersecurity policies for new employees.

To ensure compliance and safeguard company data and IT devices, it's essential to establish and enforce organization-wide security standards for new employees. Implement clear guidelines and procedures, such as enforcing strong password policies, conducting regular software updates and ensuring encryption and multi-factor authentication (MFA) are in place.

Option to add: Additionally, consider automation through Mobile Device Management (MDM) to minimize risk caused by human error.

Tip 3: Conduct cybersecurity awareness training for new employees.

Making employees aware about the importance of cybersecurity is essential as 1 in 2 organizations experienced a successful cyberattack in the past 3 years according to SoSafe Human Risk Review report. The training should cover topics such as recognizing phishing emails, understanding social engineering tactics and the importance of creating strong and unique passwords. If employees are well-informed about cybersecurity best practices from the beginning, you reduce the likelihood of falling victim to common cyber threats during the onboarding process.

Tip 4: Maintain up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware solutions.

Regularly auditing and updating your cybersecurity policies and procedures is crucial as new threats emerge and technologies change. This proactive approach ensures that your organization remains well-prepared to effectively address emerging cyber threats and identify potential weaknesses in your defenses.

Tip 5: Establish a robust IT framework.

Strengthen your IT infrastructure to reduce the risk of cybersecurity breaches during the critical onboarding phase for new employees. As such, a strong IT framework, supported by robust technical assistance, serves as the backbone of your cybersecurity strategy. The role of IT support is vital, as they provide guidance, oversee configurations and assist in resolving technical issues.

By implementing these five key tips, you can create a comprehensive defence strategy that boosts your security posture, minimizes vulnerabilities and strengthens your organization against the ever-present cyber threats.

SoSafe x deeploi

To ensure a successful and secure onboarding experience for your new employees, SoSafe and deeploi have joined forces. Together they offer a holistic IT solution that combines cybersecurity awareness training with a state-of-the-art IT setup including expert support, offering you peace of mind as you navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity.

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